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Home Bodies

Yuan Liu & Liam Taylor

March 2021

curated by

Joey Sim, Natalie Tso

Home Bodies responds to the dramatic pivot towards online workplaces through which

workers transitioned from the physical office to online chat rooms, spreadsheets and

email threads within the space of a few weeks. While Yuan explores the thrill, frustration

and absurdity of an individual in a confined space, Liam considers the revision of

corporate wellness and labour relations within the context of big tech surveillance and the

pandemic induced online workplace. Together, they attempt to explore the complexity of

one’s body as an independent agent to survive the ongoing blurrings between the

physical and the virtual, the private domestic and public work space.

Yuan Liu works with ink, fountain pen, calligraphy brush and paper. She is interested in

telling stories with a minimal colour palette, lines and blank space. Her works are

vignettes of daily life, quick sketches of the fleeting moments and comic responses to the

misfortune of individuals.

Liam Taylor is an artist living and working on the Dharawhal and Gadigal lands of the Eora

nation. His work is heavily informed by experiences of online social cultures and explores

how common understandings of authorship, meaning, and identity have been

renegotiated in the digital landscape of the 21st century, hoping to examine how we’re

directed and managed through images.

Exhibition Walkthrough

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